Yes, instead of that ghastly peach/pink/macaroni & cheese color, my parents' house is now a lovely shade of vomit-green. Well, that's what I think. Everyone else likes the color. Oh well. I don't have to live there.
Isn't he so cute being all manly and putting stuff together? We have so many books and movies that we were running out of places to put them all. Thanks to Walmart, that problem is now solved.
We have recently gotten into finding healthier versions of our favorite recipes. This is the delicious chicken parmesan we made this week. The recipe is from the Spark Recipes app (love it!). Here is the recipe.
And what's summer without a little miniature golf? I'll let you guess who won ( was me!). Another one of those things Ben has never (ever) beat me at. Although, he did beat me at Boggle for the first time ever this week. That was a sad day for me. Next week we head out to Oklahoma to have even more Summer adventures!