Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eviction Notice

Tomorrow I'll be 37 weeks! Just in case baby boy is getting a little too comfortable in there, we gave him this:

That gives him a week past my due date to finish packing his belongings and move out. 

In other news, our families are awesome! Check these out:

Made by my cousin Rebecca
Made by Ben's sister Jessica
This baby will be so loved!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh Baby!

Nine months is a really looooong time. I almost can’t remember what it feels like NOT to be pregnant. I’ve made a real effort not to complain too much (except to Ben, sorry honey) because I know how much I wanted to be pregnant and bring a little spirit into this world. But now that we’re in the home stretch, I can’t help but periodically yell GET OUT! to my stomach. So far it isn’t working. Which is probably a good thing, because he needs to keep cooking in there for at least a couple more weeks. I hit the 36 week mark today! Here is the most recent picture taken at 35 weeks:

I feel humongous, but people (even the doctor the other day) tell me I’m not very big for how far along I am. The third trimester fatigue has definitely hit me. Hard. I feel grateful that I am no longer working because it might kill me having to get up early every day. Especially considering the fact that I spend the majority of the night waddling back and forth to the bathroom. I don't know how some people work right up until their due dates. No longer having a job also has its drawbacks, however. Besides the no-paycheck part, I often find myself sitting on the couch (okay, laying on the couch like a dead person) wondering what to do with my time. I’ve been reading a lot and our house is pretty darn spotless. Well, except the floors, because I can’t bend over.

I sometimes watch A Baby Story on TLC (I blame you for that, Lindsay Simmons!) and cry every time the baby comes out. Ben laughs at me but I secretly saw him cry during one episode. Don’t tell him I said that. I can tell he is so excited to be a daddy.

We have spent some time getting the baby’s room ready. I call it the “baby’s room,” but the baby won’t hardly be in here because he’ll be sleeping in our room for the first little while. I should call it the baby “stuff” room. His clothes are washed and hung up and we have the bassinet all set up. Ben practiced tucking in his stuffed walrus:

I’ll have to teach him how to swaddle. We also did a tiny bit of decorating. Can you tell Ben picked them out?:

We can’t go too overboard because we will only live in this apartment until April. I can’t wait until we are living someplace a little more stable so I can do a real nursery! We took a class on childbirth last weekend and toured the hospital. My hospital bag is halfway packed!

We get one last ultrasound at our appointment next week. I didn't think we’d have any more, so I’m pretty excited to see him one more time before he’s born. The first question I’ll ask is, “Is he still a boy?!” Back in December I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I was right on the borderline, but it was bad enough that I have had to check my blood sugar about 4-5 times a day. I luckily don’t have to take medication or insulin for it. I've been able to control it with a healthy diet and lots of exercise. Even though I was bummed when I found out, I think it has turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it has forced me to take better care of myself. I haven’t gained very much weight (wahoo!) and the doctor said that after the baby is born I should weigh less than before I got pregnant. I am very, very okay with that. I guess the ice cream withdrawals are worth it. I now only have to check my blood sugar twice a day, which my fingers appreciate. Those pricks can hurt! Anyway, Gestational Diabetes can sometimes cause babies to grow too fast so the ultrasound is to check and see how big he is. If he is measuring ahead of schedule, they may decide to induce me a week early. We’ll see what happens! Regardless, I can’t believe that in just 4 short weeks (or more…or less…I wish babies came with a calendar) we will be parents! I am so ready to meet this little one and give him hugs and kisses!