Thursday, August 26, 2010

Its looking more and more like a home

Little by little, the tiny apartment that we have moved into is looking like a home.  Last Wednesday we got the keys to our new apartment in Rexburg, Idaho.   When we moved in all we had was a tv and some blankets.  We had borrowed an air mattress which we blew up with a hair dryer.  It didn't work! All we got was a half inflated bed and the two of us could not sleep on it together.  So i ended up on the ground.  Needless to say neither of us got a good night's rest.  

Thursday Morning we arose from off the ground and decided we needed to go look for a bed.  God must have had a tender mercy waiting to give to us.  We found a bed on Craigslist for 150 dollars and it was in a great condition.  The owner said it was rarely ever slept on.  We were so excited to get it home.  So we finally had a bed and a tv in the house and a computer.  So the apartment was starting to look like something,  I would not have called it a home yet.  More like a big living space with a few items in it.

Friday we were ready to drive the nine hours back to Washington to grab all our stuff.  When we arrived to the house of Cali's family.  I was relieved that there was a couch to sit on.  We spent nice weekend with the family and filled the uhaul trailer with our furniture and wedding gifts.  With the help of Grandpa Taylor, we drove back to Rexburg, Monday morning.

Monday Night we arrived in Rexburg with the furniture. It took Grandpa and I about thirty minutes to unload all the heavy furniture. Needless to say it wasn't easy.  Where was the extra help when we needed it? Haha.... I guess thats the way life works sometimes.

So this week we have unpacked most of our stuff, I have set two large pieces of furniture ( a dining room table that took me three hours and a computer desk that took me six hours), shopped at target using our gift cards, went grocery shopping to fill our cupboards, and spent most nights making the rooms in our apartment look like a place we want to live in.   I can now look around the apartment as of today and report:

1 comment:

  1. I could maybe take your word for it but... post some pictures of this new home of yours! ( : Glad to hear everything is coming together. And glad to hear that you're not sleeping on the ground anymore either.
