Monday, September 12, 2011

The Happiest Day of Ben's Life

Back in July, a very bad thing happened. Our apartment complex changed cable providers and got rid of the ESPN channels. Ben plunged into a deep depression (not really...but he was pretty sad).

Today was Ben's first day of school. He went to his football theory class and learned that his homework would consist of watching football games on Saturdays. Finally, the excuse he had been looking for! He marched straight over to our apartment manager's office and got the phone number for the cable company. By the time I got home from work the cable guy had come and gone and Ben was in heaven...aka watching Sportcenter.

This is what Ben would look like if he was really old and had weird hair. Depression cured.


  1. hahaha! That's awesome! Travis and I don't have cable, so Travis planned on watching it on the internet. Too bad ESPN online doesn't work with our internet provider! He's pretty bummed. Maybe he should take that class.

  2. Brandon is really sad that OU doesn't offer a football theory class.
