Saturday, February 2, 2013

Love Notes

Back in July 2011, we started writing in this:

It's our book of love notes. Ben and I take turns writing each other short notes. After we write in it, we hide it somewhere in the house for the other to find. It's always a nice surprise to open up a cupboard to grab a bowl and find this instead! This book is almost full, so I have a new one ready to start. If you are married and don't do something like this, I highly recommend it. It's so fun to look back and read all the notes and remember different things we've been through together. 

In baby news, we had our 37 week ultrasound yesterday. They were concerned that baby boy might be growing too fast, but he was perfect! He was estimated to be 6 pounds, 5 ounces (48th percentile). That makes me feel better that I won't have to give birth to a 10 pound baby. I learned that I am starting to have beginning signs of preeclampsia (You can click on the link if you don't know what that is). I'm grateful that this issue didn't come up until I was full term. A lot of times, moms with preeclampsia end up delivering early. If things haven't improved at my appointment on Tuesday, this baby might be making his arrival sooner than we expected! 

1 comment:

  1. We have a love notes journal too! We got ours about a month or so after getting married and I agree, it is so fun to read back over the notes and see how much you've been through together. I always seem to reread them when Joe is out of town and i'm missing him, and that never ends well...
