Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Obsession

Since Shawn was born 9 months ago, I have gone to exactly one movie. One. Iron Man 3. In our life B.S. (before Shawn, haha) we went to movies all the time. Lots of weekends you could find us at the Dollar Theater for date night. But this month, I'm going to a movie. Nothing's going to stop me.

When a preview comes on TV, I make everyone be quiet and I jump up and down like a little girl. I don't have that many crazy obsessions, but this is one of them. Catching Fire was my favorite book in the Hunger Games series, so I've been waiting for this for a long time. Anyone else feel the same way?

P.S. Mom, will you babysit over Thanksgiving? :) I mean, how can you say no to this face?

P.P.S. You might want to hide your towels.

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